Comics and Healthcare: Recommendations, resources, and credits

This webpage provides links to material referenced in my talk Comics and Healthcare. They are listed in the order that they were mentioned/displayed, and they are grouped into the six sections of the talk.

This talk was first presented as Cartooning in Healthcare, a keynote speech at the 2012 Health and Science Communications Association conference. Some resources below may have been left out of later presentations due to time limits.

If you have questions or comments, please drop me a line using my contact form. Thanks!

- Cathy Leamy (@metrokitty), June 2013


Part 1: Types of comics

Part 2: Why comics are a useful communications tool

Part 3: Examples of comics with health, wellness, medical, and educational themes

Part 4: The state of comics creation and distribution

Part 5: Graphic Medicine and ways that comics are being used in the medical field

Part 6: Next steps you can take (reading comics and making your own comics)

Other image credits